Shake Off Workday Day Stress

Work can be one of the most stressful places we spend time. Especially now, with jobs that have had to change to adapt to the times. As we are picking up the slack and transitioning back and forth between home and the office, it is a lot for anyone to handle. This is why prioritizing mental health and being vigilant about keeping stress at bay is so important. I have a few tried and true tricks up my sleeve to keep stress low and spirits high.

Create your daily plan.

Going into your workday with a plan will give you a sense of purpose and peace. Knowing what you need to get done, in order of importance, is a great way to keep yourself on task. And we know that staying on task creates an even flow throughout the day versus needing to get specific things done in a time crunch before lunch or before leaving for the day. So the idea of pacing ourselves doesn't get enough praise because when done right, it is incredible for keeping stress at bay. Whether you take a few minutes at the start of your work day or get a head start the night before, mapping out the course of your day can allow you to visualize your to-do list and required tasks. An small investment in a daily planner or scheduler can yield a major return!

Declutter your desk.

Starting the day off with a clean workspace is another tip that is often overlooked. For example, if we sit down at a cluttered workspace with tabs open from yesterday's work, chances are we will feel out of sorts. By taking a few minutes to tidy up and open just the programs you need for today, you'll feel much more centered as you begin to work. Better yet, reserve a few minutes at the end of each work day to ensure you leave a tidy work space behind - you will thank yourself the next day when you arrive (at home or in the office) to a clean and organized space.

Stay on task.

It's so easy to get off track when you're working and notice that a major piece of the puzzle is missing. We often stop what we are doing to tend to this new problem, which leads us down a rabbit hole of other tasks and projects. This leaves us with little to show for the hours we have spent working. Instead, keep a priority list and mark things off as you go. Make sure to finish each task before moving on so that there are no loose ends for future you to go back and tie up. This list can be written on paper, scheduled into your work calendar or you can even utilize one of the countless to-do list apps that exist.

Take a break.

Unless we go into this with intention, it's so easy to misuse our time, whether a break, lunch hour, sick day, or vacation. If you're allotted time to decompress throughout the day, be sure to take advantage of it. Getting away from your desk and focusing on something else allows your brain to create new connections and subconsciously work out problems. So have a healthy lunch, take a walk, get some fresh air, or simply enjoy connecting with yourself or someone you care about during your workday. The rest of your day, and your work, will be better as a result!

Incorporate meditation.

One of the easiest ways to de-stress during the workday is by incorporating meditation. Doing some simple breathing exercises can center you and bring you back to yourself in the moments that work begins to feel overwhelming. You can even choose to start your day or lunch break with a short meditation from your favorite meditation app - a few popular one’s include Calm, Headspace or Peloton. Not to be overlooked, YouTube has countless free meditation videos with unique themes and varying lengths of time. 

Committing to creating a calm work environment helps with our own stress level and how those around us feel. This leads to happier employees and a healthier workplace, which leads to a better work environment for everyone. 

Trying even just one or two of these ideas can have a great impact on the flow of your day and how you are ultimately feeling at the end of it. If you found this helpful, I encourage you to please share this with a friend or co-worker. We could all use a little less stress in our day to day lives!


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